Removal of Spider Veins on the Face at Cosmo Laser
At Cosmo Laser, we offer laser treatment for the removal of spider veins on the face. A significant portion of the Danish population deals with small blood vessels visible on the face, also known as spider veins. These facial spider veins can arise from various causes, such as genetics or skin damage due to UV exposure, often appearing as redness on the cheeks, chin, and nose. Some individuals may also experience larger spider veins, which manifest as slightly larger reddish branches in the skin.
Read everything you need to know about the treatment here:
#1 In Brief
At Cosmo Laser, we treat spider veins on the face, neck, and chest using Yag laser or IPL from Syneron's eMax or Ellipse Nordlys IPL. Spider veins on the face, neck, and chest can be attributed to different factors. It may be part of the aging process, but it can also be enhanced by excessive sun exposure, tanning beds, pregnancy, and certain skin conditions such as Rosacea. There are also certain types of medications that may contribute to this condition.
During spider vein treatment, the laser light will target the vessels' hemoglobin (the red color in blood), causing it to coagulate and destroy the blood vessel. Subsequently, the body's own immune system removes the changes.
Ved behandling for karsprængninger, vil lyset fra laseren søge mod karrenes hæmoglobin (den røde farve i blodet), så det koagulerer og blodkarret ødelægges. Efterfølgende fjernes forandringerne af dit eget immunforsvar.
#2 Before Treatment
A prerequisite for achieving the best result is that the skin is as pale as possible. Therefore, self-tanning products should not be used for 2 weeks before the treatment, and the treatment area should not be exposed to UV rays (sunlight and tanning beds) for 4 weeks before the treatment.
Avoid taking blood-thinning preparations such as fish oil, Treo, Ipren, Kodimagnyl, and similar medications for a week before the treatment, as this may result in a poorer outcome. Discontinuation of strong blood-thinning agents like heart aspirin should be done in consultation with your own doctor.
The treatment area should be intact, without infections, wounds, or irritation. It is also recommended to ensure that the skin is well-maintained before starting the treatment. Well-maintained skin responds better to the treatment and can recover more quickly.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to charge a fee of DKK 500 if you are sent home and the appointment is canceled later than 24 hours before the treatment. This also applies to no-shows or cancellations made later than 24 hours before the treatment.
According to cosmetic treatment regulations, the treated area must be photographed before the treatment can begin.
#3 During Treatment
The skin is cleansed, and in some treatments, a special gel is applied afterward. This depends on the machine used for the treatment. The gel protects the skin and optimizes the transfer of light energy to the skin. During the treatment, you will feel warmth in the skin, and there will be sharp flashes of light. Your eyes will be protected by special eye pads and will not be affected by the light. In certain areas, the treatment may be slightly uncomfortable, but most people describe it as a warm "tingling" sensation on the skin.
#4 After Treatment
After the treatment, the skin will feel warm, and there may be slight discomfort in the treated area, which can last for a few hours. Additionally, the skin may appear red, and there may be mild swelling. Cooling of the skin is necessary, so after the treatment, you will receive ice packs to cool the treatment area, along with an extra one that you can use and reuse at home by refreezing it when it thaws. You may experience a slight rough sensation over the treated vessels and a mild discoloration of the skin, which, in some cases, may not disappear until months after the treatment.
Creams and makeup can be applied immediately after the treatment, but strenuous physical activity should be avoided for 2-3 days, as this can put unnecessary pressure on the vessels, potentially causing them to reopen. It is essential that the skin in the treatment area is not exposed to the sun for 4 weeks after the treatment, and it is recommended to use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50.
Der kan forekomme en let ru fornemmelse hen over karrene, samt en lettere misfarvning i huden, som i nogle tilfælde først forsvinder måneder efterbehandlingen.
Cremer og makeup kan anvendes umiddelbart efter behandlingen, men undlad hård fysisk anstrengelse i 2-3 dage, da dette kan lægge en unødigt pres på karrene, som kan medvirke til, at de åbner sig igen. Det er afgørende, at huden i behandlingsområdet ikke udsættes for sol 4 uger efter behandlingen, og det anbefales at benytte solfaktor med minimum SPF 50.
#5 Number of Treatments and Expectations
The number of treatments is evaluated individually. Typically, 3-6 treatments with 4–6 weeks between sessions are recommended for a good result. In some cases, we may find it impossible to close the blood vessels with treatment. If you do not respond to the treatments, unfortunately, we cannot offer a refund. The reason for this is that the risk associated with treating these skin types is deemed too high in relation to causing damage to the skin.
#6 Side Effects and Risks
In rare cases, burns may occur, resulting in small fluid-filled blisters, sores, light or dark skin discoloration, and scar formation. These burns can occur for various reasons but are typically associated with sun exposure. In most cases, burns are mild and heal without scarring. If burns or unexpected reactions occur, it is advisable to immediately contact the clinic and speak with a doctor or nurse.
#7 Contraindications
The following are reasons why you cannot be approved for the treatment:
- History of skin or melanoma cancer
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Some types of prescription medication for acne
- Known tendency to form keloid scars
- Anticoagulation treatment (blood-thinning treatment)
- Untreated epilepsy
- Hemophilia
#8 Consent
According to cosmetic treatment regulations, you can provide consent for treatment once verbal information has been provided. A companion is always welcome to be present during consultation and treatment.
We are always available to assist with any further questions.

Get rid of Facial Spider Veins
If you are troubled by diffuse redness and spider veins in the face, let us help you get rid of them.